
(Header image: American White Pelicans) Sunrise will happen in about 45 minutes. I’m on the way to a spot where there have been reports of a couple of uncommon winter migratory waterfowl. As darkness gives way to the early morning light, I approach the target area and search for a place to park. I have calculated where the sun will rise in order to have it behind me as I  hope for… Read More

“Ooohhh, look at that one! Can you believe the colors? Wow!!” Okay. I know this may come as a shock to some, but we are not actually “kids”. I mean, chronologically. Gini is a complete adult person but accuses me – hints – that I may not have fully matured emotionally. Also, we were not really in a candy store. But, oh my, what a delicious selection Mother Nature had for us… Read More