
(Click on images to enlarge, click again to zoom.) This year has been a bit different than others. “Getting old“, my bride says, “is not for sissies.” Indeed. Hindsight indicates we should have purchased one of those extended service warranties for our bodies. Our appointment calendar sure has been filled with visits to all sorts of medical practioners, laboratories, imaging services and we are now on a first-name basis with the local… Read More

(Click on images to enlarge, click again to zoom.) Our timing was good. Driving through the fringe of the city limits in the dark of pre-dawn is sometimes a harrowing experience. Drivers tail-gating, anxious to pass at the first opportunity, or in many cases, making their own (dangerous) opportunity. They either love their jobs so much they just can’t wait to get there, or they overslept again. We suspect the latter. On… Read More

Header Image: Great Crested Flycatcher We had been spotted by a gang and were soon surrounded. Either side of the path was covered with dense Saw Palmetto as far as the eye could see. Our only choice was to forge ahead and hope we would not be assaulted. Late summer in Florida. Some of our smaller avian citizens begin to form in mixed groups as they prepare for long migratory flights to… Read More